The day before Thanksgiving my mother in law Helen and I were able to sneak down to Solana Beach for a few hours of perusing. We had a great time. I hit my 2 favorite stores Solo and Leaping Lotus. Everytime I go into Solo I am inspired. I love the building for one. I love the collage of styles. We have a retro-modern style in our home, so I enjoy the books and furniture. I love the industrial recycled sense of the Jennifer Price section of the store. And I love Ruby Lane's support of indie artists. Her eclectic mix of treasures is wonderful.
Here are few ornaments that were in the store that caught my eye.
Well you all know I am a big Amy Butler fan. I love her fabrics and her color schemes. Well Amy just came out with a new line of travel bags. I wish I was going a wonderful trip somewhere so I justify purchasing one. Well if any of you are doing holiday travelling maybe you need some new travel bags. These are easy to spot.
I love Katie Runnels assemblage art, I thought I would take a stab at creating something along similar lines. It was so much fun. I have so much of this old treasures collected in my studios that is just seemed like the right use for it.
I came across this cool post called Smog Shoppe in the LA Times Blog. A couple in LA purchased an old smog-check station and turned it into a really cool venue for parties, weddings,movie screenings and such. There is a property in San Clemente on El Camino Real that is an old tire station that I think would be perfect to do this to. I often dreamed of turning the old tire station into a loft scenario. I think this makes great sense.
Wednesday's trip to my favorite thrift store was rewarding. I discovered this gorgeous jade tree. I don't know what it is about this one, but the colors just spark this Citrus, California, Goodness that i am drawn to like a bee to nectar. Looking at it just makes me warm and fuzzy.
I have been starting to see quite a few fun felted accessories out for winter. Here are my favorite. Nepal Belts. I have seen these for sale locally at Solo in Solana Beach and online at Sundance.
Viva Terra had this super cute purse and scarf that are just fabulous.
The new Viva Terra Catalog came yesterday. I just love most all the items in their catalog. I like the rustic handmade feel.
The felted rocks are just wonderful. I just love the idea of soft rocks for the living room. The bird vases are so cute and fun. The are enjoyable with or without flowers. The handmade mugs have a great chunky feel and I love the glazes. I think I would prefer a taller version though.
I just love this new ring I have made. The button is created by molding a vintage button then I cast it using the lost wax method. The button jiggles and moves with movement. Available by custom order.